Non-Potable Water

BAL Laboratory is fully equipped to handle all of your non-potable microbiological water testing needs. Whether it's beach water or storm water testing, BAL is ready to assist with your monitoring requirements. BAL's technical staff can also assist you to develop sampling schedules to meet RIPDES/NPDES requirements.

Waste Water

BAL keeps current with the regulations governing the Clean Water Act and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems requirements. We are certified for a variety of methods used to monitor waste water discharges for bacterial content such as:

Total Coliform SM9221B SM9222B
Fecal Coliform SM9221E SM9222D SM9223B Colilert 18
E. Coli SM9221F SM9223B Colilert 18
Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria SM92158-Modified
Enterococcus EPA 1600

Beach Water

BAL's technical staff can also assist you in establishing the correct schedule for your beach monitoring programs. Working with the Rhode Island Department of Health, BAL ensures a correct monitoring frequency. We accept samples brought into the laboratory for analysis, and we also offer a sample collection service. We take the guess work out of determining if your beach is safe for recreational use. Results are given within 24-hours thus further ensuring public safety. Direct communications and reporting to RIDOH makes it even more convenient for beach operators.

Enterococcus IDEXX - EPA 1600 SM9230D Enterolert
E. coli SM9213D (mTEC)

Storm water monitoring

BAL has had the opportunity to work on some very state of the art storm water monitoring systems. Whether for general monitoring purposes or for large storm water events BAL is here to assist you in your microbiological needs. Twenty-four (24) hour alert status can be arranged so that you are able to sample during heavy rain events and deliver the samples to the laboratory without sample hold times expiring.

Total Coliform SM9221B SM9222B
Fecal Coliform SM9221E SM9222D
E. Coli SM9221F
Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria SM92158-Modified
Enterococcus EPA 1600 SM9230D Enterolert